
Trinity's mission ministry serves as a liaison between our congregation and our partners in the service of the kingdom of Christ around the world. Our core purpose is to support and encourage those working to fulfill the Lord's Great Commission in both our country and abroad

Our Mission

Our vision also seeks to explore novel ways to collaborate with missionary partners; consider fresh methods to enhance congregational awareness and involvement; and oversee stewardship of our resources as the basis for our mission endeavors.

Our Vision

The DeValves transferred to the US in March 2021 and have taken on new jobs based from home. John is a regional consultant for theological education in French-speaking Africa, and Nancy works with the human resources department at both SIM USA and SIM Niger. They work remotely for the most part, but their new jobs do involve some travel.


The DeValve family has begun the process of moving into an “unreached” tribe, the Kuyu tribe, and will begin the long journey of learning their language and culture and helping them to plant a church of their own. Please pray for them as they push forward in this monumental task.
In Papua New Guinea, there are 7 million people who speak more than 800 languages, and live mostly in rural, indigenous communities.

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Evan and Chelsey are serving at the Ethnos 360 Bible institute in Wisconsin. Missionaries serving in the USA like Evan and Chelsey play vital roles on the church planting team such as training, accounting for and transferring gifts, recruiting missionaries and informing and involving churches and individuals. Please pray for the students and the staff, and for all those yet to be reached, who God is preparing to hear His Word in future.

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Scott is the founder of Joy 4 Ukraine, a ministry that brings the joy of the gospel to orphans and youth with special needs. Joy 4 Ukraine organizes VBS camps for youth with disabilities. Pastor Scott also ministers to children who are deaf at a local boarding school. In 2017, Scott helped start Church of Hope, a worship service for people with special needs at the local Cerebral Palsy Center and began serving as the pastor of the Church of the Transfiguration, a local Ukrainian church in 2021. Scott and Lena were able to help people leave the country when the war started and have since gone back into Ukraine to minister and help those who stayed behind.

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Peter and Ruthie Dutton are serving in Thailand in the areas of business as mission, fish farming, community development, and discipleship and spiritual formation. They assist in managing and building the Thailand ECC campground, encourage and train church leaders in 6 Covenant churches in and teach ESL classes in local schools.

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The Woods family are church planters among the unreached in East Africa. They love Jesus, His word and His church and are giving their lives to see that Muslims have access to the Gospel.

They now serve as Santo Domingo City Team (SDCT) leaders in the Dominican Republic. They are partnering with an association of churches that is dedicated to making disciples and planting house churches. The churches have specifically asked the Santo Domingo City Team (SDCT) to engage university students and young professionals in transformational discipleship and outreach, with the goal of integrating them into house churches throughout the city.

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