What We Believe

We're Trinity!

Here at Trinity Covenant Church, we believe in nurturing a faith journey that's woven into the fabric of everyday life, and lived through the lens of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.   We understand the importance of being engaged and building connections for spiritual growth.  

Our desire is to see Trinity Covenant Church be a church for our city, that pursues GOD and His passion for people through a gospel movement starting in Manchester, our communities, and then the world. 

Pursue God; Pursue People

Our Core Affirmations

We believe the Bible to be the “Word of God, and the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine and conduct.” We desire to be shaped by this living Word of God—not just parts of it—but all of it.  We don’t judge the Bible: the Bible judges us!  It tells us who God is, who we are, and what we need to do in order to be in right relationship with Him.

We believe in the “necessity of the new birth.” Our founders understood that the Christian faith isn’t reliably transmitted by family, by baptism, or by any other religious or cultural ritual. We become Christians when we respond personally and gratefully to what God has already done for us in Jesus.

A commitment to the whole mission of the church. Our purpose as a church is twofold: we want to see lost people found and hurting people helped. We are committed to sharing the good news of Jesus while at the same time doing our best to care for those who have physical and emotional needs.

The church is a fellowship of believers. While we welcome into our services and activities all who have an interest in learning more about biblical Christian faith, membership at Trinity Covenant Church always comes by confession of personal faith in Jesus Christ.

A conscious dependence on the Holy Spirit. This affirmation is a reminder that God’s Spirit is active in all aspects of our relationship to God. We can’t come to faith in the first place unless it is the Spirit who convicts us of our sin and need; and once we accept Christ, the Spirit gives us special gifts that allow us to find our own place of witness and service within the Church.

The reality of freedom in Christ. We focus on what unites followers of Jesus rather than on what divides them. When it comes to those debatable matters that sincere Christians have discussed (and sometimes argued about) for generations, we want to be humble and open to various points of view. When it comes, however, to those central truths that have been common to all Christians everywhere, we want to be clear and unambiguous in our witness.

Our Denomination

Trinity Covenant Church is part of a larger denominational family, known as the Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC).  The ECC was formed in the mid-1800's by some adventurous Swedish immigrants, seeking spiritual renewal, and a desire to live out a life according to God's will and call.   

The Covenant values the Bible as the word of God and connected with the living Christ. We celebrate the gift of God’s grace and ever-deepening spiritual life that comes through faith in Jesus Christ. We believe in the importance of extending God’s love and compassion and participating in advancing God’s justice in a broken world.

You can learn more about our denomination by clicking on the button below.