East Coast Conference Women Ministries Fall Retreat at Pilgrim Pines

September 5


Women are invited to register online for the East Coast Conference

Women Ministries Fall Retreat at Pilgrim Pines on

September 13-15, 2024. The cost is $197.


You must register online at Pilgrim Pines under Retreats.

Deadline is September 5th. 

Our speaker Rev. Dr. Devyn Chambers-Johnson, will speak on

“This is my Story” – living and proclaiming the good news. 

Brochures are available at www.eccwm.org.  We are excited

to see women eager to retreat from daily lives with friends

to enjoy a time of refreshment, laughter, and His joy. It is always

worth the effort to take time away with others from our church.

Come and connect with women of all backgrounds and experiences. 


Please email Nan Lingenfelter with questions at [email protected].